Hanwen Zhang
Staff Columnist
Author Archive
School of the Environment certificate program sets its sights on urban sustainability

Yale School of the Environment’s new“Urban Climate Leadership” certificate program will provide students with a survey of the challenges and solutions that come with guiding cities toward the future.

Canadian Studies Conference reflects on last year’s record wildfires

Attendees at the conference“Smoke from Canada: Climate Change, Forest Fires, and the Future” took a look at some of the impacts left by last year’s Canadian wildfires.

Yale Bird-Friendly Building Initiative continues research this spring

Entering its second year, the Yale Bird-Friendly Building Initiative has investigated bird deaths caused by building collisions and is making changes across Yale’s campus.

School of the Environment conference looks to the future of tropical forests

In its 30th annual conference, the International Society of Tropical Foresters discussed the challenges and future of tropical forest management.

Yale looks to continue buying carbon offsets since starting in 2020

University officials told the News that they hope Yale’s continued purchasing of carbon offsets might guide Yale toward a carbon-zero future as some researchers have criticized the industry for exaggerating the benefits of carbon offsets.

Yale students, faculty attend UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai

As the world’s largest annual climate gathering enters its second week, several Yalies spoke with the News about discussions so far and what they expect from the conference.

Yale West Campus Farm builds community through gardening and stewardship

The research campus’ farm is looking to draw new members and plants as they wrap up another planting season.

Green resilience hubs offer disaster relief and affordability, Yale report finds

A collaborative project between School of the Environment graduate researchers and the Connecticut Green Bank lay a path forward for financing clean energy in community disaster relief facilities.

‘Good, science-based reporting’: 15 years of Yale-based environmental publication

Founded in 2008, the Yale Environment 360 Magazine has continued to deliver coverage of environmental issues around the world.

Clean Energy Conference surveys renewable energy landscape

As a part of the Yale New Haven Climate and Energy Summit, the Clean Energy Conference showcased the technology and finance behind renewable energy.

Tweed’s embattled expansion

How the airport’s growth plan threatens residents and the environment