Hanwen Zhang
Staff Columnist
Author Archive
ZHANG: A spoonful of sugar

An average vaccine typically takes anywhere from 10 to 15 years to develop. Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca finished theirs in a matter of months, cobbling […]

ZHANG: History in the making

Malcolm Gladwell has a memorable voice. He speaks in silky, lilting syllables tinged with just a touch of graininess. He times his pauses. He talks […]

ZHANG: Climb every mountain

We were walking in a picture-perfect Connecticut afternoon. The soft breeze chilled our fingers, and the sun was beginning to warp our shadows as we […]

ZHANG: Boredom is a blessing

A scientific study once found that approximately 63 percent of U.S. adults experienced boredom at least once in the course of a 10-day sampling period. […]

ZHANG: In praise of monoliths

It began this past November, when shaky helicopter footage first captured the wildlife officials traversing rugged terrain. They stopped before a metal prism, heads angled […]

ZHANG: America’s moment of reckoning

Four days. As if to blur four long years in an 88-hour whirlwind of ballot-counting and news updates. As if to erase away the pencil […]

ZHANG: The affirmative action myth

I remember how my server nearly timed out while I reread my sentences and verified SAT scores for the umpteenth time. How I had drawn […]

ZHANG: WeChat, we feud

Every Saturday at 8 p.m., I settle in front of my phone. My grandparents’ pixelated faces fill up the screen, moving around in time-lapsed slices. […]

ZHANG: 71 Whitney Ave

An “open” sign, ripped at its corners, clung to the fogged glass panes. As I pulled open the door, the blast of air conditioning — […]