Hanwen Zhang
Staff Columnist
Author Archive
Yalies4Palestine brings hundreds of students and community members together to protest Yale’s response to Israel-Hamas war

Nearly a month into the Israel-Hamas war, Yalies and New Haveners joined the call for a ceasefire, greater student protection and divestment from weapons manufacturers.

AI’s carbon footprint can be managed, computer science professors say

Eleven months after ChatGPT’s release, Yale computer science professors discussed the carbon footprint associated with artificial intelligence and how growing industry management might better control its energy use.

‘Environmental Joy’ conference takes on climate change with a smile

Organized by the Yale Center for Environmental Justice, climate leaders and researchers worked to approach global warming with joy and hope at the fifth annual iteration of the conference.

Peabody renovations to make museum more sustainable, inclusive

After four years of renovations, Yale’s Peabody Museum will reopen to the public as a greener, more community-oriented space.

Salovey’s sustainability record

University President Peter Salovey’s 10 years at the University’s helm have seen challenges and changes in sustainability goals.

Office of Sustainability centralizes peer liaison program

Starting this year, the sustainability peer liaison program is shifting from a residential college-level program to a centralized structure across the 14 colleges.

Yale School of the Environment professors weigh in on post-Labor Day heat wave

Professors at the Yale School of the Environment spoke with the News to discuss their thoughts about how an early-September heat wave which swept the Northeast might be a sign of hotter, more erratic weather to come.

Hixon Conference talks urban forestry

The Yale School of the Environment’s 10th annual Hixon Urban Conference explored the centrality of urban forests in mitigating climate change and offering remedies for global warming.

Yale researchers investigate methane emissions by rivers, streams

A recent Nature paper shed light on one of a few lesser-known secrets held by our rivers and streams.

“Environmental Justice” symposium takes on climate change, inequality

Attendees and presenters at the Yale Environmental Humanities program’s first symposium of the year looked at how the humanities are investigating climate change.

Divinity School renovations prepare to break new ground

Construction at the Yale Divinity School is gearing up to go green. Renovation of the Sterling Divinity Quadrangle entrance has been underway since July 14, […]