Yale Health stops collecting positive COVID-19 reports

Nearly four years after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Yale Health will end its COVID Resource Line, move COVID-19 information away from a specified website to the Campus Health website and stop collecting positive case reports.

‘Ordinary people doing extraordinary things’: Ukrainian philosopher and journalist shares insights on Russia’s war in Ukraine

Volodymyr Yemorelenko visited Yale last week ahead of the second anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine.

At vigil, Ukrainian students urge continued support for Ukraine

To mark the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, students from the Ukraine House held a vigil on Feb. 24. The vigil honored the victims of the Russian invasion, as well as those who continue to support Ukraine’s resistance.

Video Series for Black History Month promotes representation, education

The Afro-American Cultural Center released a series of videos in which Yale students read children’s books that prominently feature Black characters, culture and historical figures for families and educators across the country.

Gender disparities persist in several areas of study at Yale, data show

The share of women studying physical sciences and engineering disciplines at Yale lags behind that of peer institutions. A strong gender disparity also is apparent for arts and humanities majors, as considerably more women are enrolled in those fields than men, according to data from Yale’s Office of Institutional Research.

Mental health ranks as top student concern in presidential search report

According to a report of over 1,800 student responses compiled by the Presidential Search Student Advisory Council, student mental health is Yale’s top challenge for its next leader.

EJC leaders organize cross-coalition protest calling for weapons divestment as investments review nears conclusion

The protest, which saw over 200 attendees from over 25 organizations across Yale’s schools and New Haven on Feb. 16, moved from Beinecke Plaza to in front of the Humanities Quadrangle, where Yale Corporation trustees held a private meeting.

Students organize phone-banking campaign to advocate for ceasefire

From Jan. 29 through Feb. 9, students spent seven days tabling in the Schwarzman Rotunda encouraging people to call Representative Rosa DeLauro and push her to support a ceasefire in Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.

FLY gets ready for take-off

A new organization led by first-year students aims to build up Yale’s fashion scene.

Federal investigation into antisemitism at Yale based on November ‘Gaza under siege’ panel

Since first reporting on the matter, the News has confirmed that the investigation was sparked by a Dec. 5 complaint about a Nov. 6 panel discussion related to Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.

Bike shop in Franklin and Murray has been gearing up to help students 

The Justa Sanchez Bike Shop, shared by Benjamin Franklin and Pauli Murray Colleges, offers Yale students free bike repair, advice and conversation three afternoons a week.