Yurii Stasiuk
Staff Reporter
Yurii Stasiuk covers City Hall and State Politics for the News. Originally from Kalush, Ukraine, he is a sophomore in Jonathan Edwards College majoring in History and Political Science.
Author Archive
Proposed budget rethinks city housing programs

If approved, the new proposed budget will restructure the Livable City Initiative, creating an Office of Housing and Community Development and expanding staff for both programs.

City leaders react to Elicker’s budget proposal

New Haveners who spoke with the News generally approved of the proposed changes, including expanded housing funding, while top alders expressed hesitation about adding over 30 new jobs.

City hall
Ukrainian church community in New Haven aids Ukraine

St. Michel’s Ukrainian Catholic Church became a hub for Ukrainian Americans and others to support the country during the war.

ANALYSIS: Mayor’s proposed budget funds housing, parks

The budget, introduced by Mayor Justin Elicker on Friday will add 33 city positions — including in housing, parks and police — if approved in its current form.

ANALYSIS: Here is what you need to know about New Haven’s budget

New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker will release a budget proposal on Friday, starting the budget adoption process.

New Haven Symphony Orchestra raises money for medical supplies for Ukraine

NHSO performed a candlelight concert on the two-year anniversary of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine to raise money for Doctors United for Ukraine.

Independent American journalist discusses his reporting in Ukraine

During his visit to Yale, Terrell Jermaine Starr talked about Russian colonialism, the experience of covering a war-torn country and how being Black has impacted his work as a journalist.

Hamden Town Council hears four hours of testimony on ceasefire resolution

Residents in support of the resolution urged the council to stand up for global human rights, while opponents condemned the “divisive” resolution’s invocation of the Holocaust. No vote was held on the resolution.

PROFILE: Frank Redente’s path from gang member to alder and activist

Redente, a 30-year employee in New Haven Public Schools, became the first challenger to oust an incumbent alder since 2015 last fall.

New Haven labor and business leaders disagree on automatic minimum wage increases

The minimum wage in the state automatically rose to $15.69 per hour in January, the first such raise mandated by a 2019 law.

Disruptive City Hall protest splits advocates of ceasefire resolution

Some activists pushing the Board of Alders for a Gaza ceasefire resolution disapprove of the disruption of the mayor’s State of the City speech.