Yurii Stasiuk
Staff Reporter
Yurii Stasiuk covers City Hall and State Politics for the News. Originally from Kalush, Ukraine, he is a sophomore in Jonathan Edwards College majoring in History and Political Science.
Author Archive
City charter reform passes, extending terms for mayor and alders

Almost two-thirds of the voters supported the revision to extend terms from two years to four, a result that New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker called a sign of support for the city’s current direction.

YTV: Elicker wins third mayoral term

On Nov. 7, Justin Elicker was re-elected to his third term as mayor of New Haven. Here’s what Elicker and other community members had to […]

Elicker wins third mayoral term

In Tuesday’s election, incumbent Justin Elicker won in a landslide victory over challengers.

The new Ward 1 Alder: Kiana Flores ’25

Flores will take over as the alder representing most Yalies as alder Alex Guzhnay ’24 steps down.

Proposed charter revision sparks debate as election approaches

The new proposed charter, which would increase the term length of elected officials among other provisions, has ignited opposition from Republican officials.

City navigates recovery from summer cyberattack 

Hackers stole over $6 million from the city school system over the summer; the city has recovered $3.6 million so far.

Final mayoral debate focuses on city’s transparency

New Haven’s three mayoral candidates gathered at the Shubert Theater before an audience of close to 40 people for their last debate of the election season.

New Haven politicians back Israel, Palestinian supporters condemn military aid as Israel prepares for ground invasion of Gaza

Local elected officials advocated for military funds for Israel at two events over the weekend, while pro-Palestine organizers criticized the politicians for supporting “ethnic cleansing.”

Democrat-turned-Republican and Independent Tom Goldenberg looks to unseat incumbent Elicker in mayoral election

Goldenberg, who previously worked as a Sanskrit teacher, coder and consultant, is challenging two-term incumbent Justin Elicker on the Republican and Independent ballot lines in heavily Democratic New Haven

Pro-Palestine protesters rally in front of City Hall

On Indigenous People’s Day, the pro-Palestine protest related their struggle to a global movement against colonialism; the rally was held days after a surprise attack against Israel by Hamas and met by a smaller counter-protest.

Hundreds from Yale and Greater New Haven mourn violence against, deaths of Israelis

On Monday evening, around 600 people gathered at the Women’s Table and the Jewish Community Center in Woodbridge to sing, pray and hear from some of Yale and New Haven’s Jewish leaders.