Paloma Vigil
Staff Reporter
Paloma Vigil is the Arts Editor for the Yale Daily News. She previously served as a DEI co-chair and staff reporter for the University and Sports desks. Past coverage includes religious life, Yale College Council, sailing and gymnastics. Originally from Miami, she is a junior in Pauli Murray College majoring in Psychology and Political Science.
Author Archive
GYMNASTICS: Team 51 makes history with highest program score ever

The Bulldogs set a record in Pennsylvania this past weekend as they battled up against all the gymnastics Ivy teams.

GYMNASTICS: Gymnasts face Ivy teams with promising scores

Yale gymnastics competed against the Quakers and Bears these past two weekends, as they prepare for Ivy Championships.

SAILING: Yale’s Team USA legacy continues with two sailors on the way to Paris 2024

Ian Barrows ’17 and Stuart McNay ’05, both Yale Sailing alumni, qualified for the 2024 Summer Olympics at trials.

First years stick their debut routines at LIU 

Yale came in third this past weekend against Long Island University and University of New Hampshire as they prepare for their first Ivy League meet this weekend.

Gymnasts set high expectation for the season with near-record-breaking score 

This past weekend, Yale gymnastics earned fourth place out of five teams in the Lindsey Ferris Invitational, setting the team’s second-highest season opener score in history.

Spring Fling moves indoors, capacity drops by thousands

Spring Fling will be held at College Street Music Hall, limiting capacity. Guests will no longer be able to attend.

Sailors partake in weekend of competitive fleet racing

The co-ed sailing team headed to Boston and Kings Point this weekend, while the women’s team cruised into fourth in Rhode Island.

SAILING: Bulldogs dominate final in-season team races of season

The Yale co-ed and women’s sailing teams put in strong performances to set themselves up for success in their final fleet races of the season.

Alumni concert celebrates 100 years of women in carillon

The Yale University Guild of Carillonneurs conducted an alumni concert this Sunday celebrating a century of women carillonneurs.

Chinese American foil fencers Emme Zhou ’23 and Helen Tan ’25 reflect on their time at Yale

Zhou and Tan spoke to the News about their identity and love for the sport.

“Long Way Down” debuts at Off Broadway Theater

Jason Kisare ’25 adapted Jason Reynold’s bestseller into a full musical production set entirely in an elevator.