FeBRUTALary or FUNuary?

Were you waiting for February to end? February is finally finished. Fortunately? Fact: February contains the fewest days of any month.  Fiction: February contains the […]

Jessai Flores
Finding Pieces of O-HI-O and O-HI-HOME

Has it really been six months since I arrived in New Haven, young and spry, ready to embark on the journey that is college? I honestly thought that the journey was the 12-hour car ride from Ohio to Connecticut itself, but that was only just the beginning. Navigating the unfamiliar waters of college was a challenge, and so many things felt new. However, to my surprise, amidst all of the newness, I managed to find a few fortuitous semblances of home.

Rain, Rain, Go Away! Come Again An – NEVER!

I was on the phone with my mom last Saturday, and she asked what I was up to. I was standing on the corner of Chapel and York, waiting to cross the street. It was pouring rain outside and freezing cold. “Not much,” I replied. “Just getting drenched.” All she had to say to that was: “Welcome to New England!” 

Reading Rut

I’ve been in a reading rut for the past 19 years. While this is an exaggeration, finding a good book and keeping a consistent reading […]

Don’t sweat(er) it!

What sweater should you wear for the occasion? Being from the Midwest, I am used to cold winters. But, I am not used to New England winters. They are a different type of cold, the kind in which you can feel the chilly air run through your bones. Nevertheless, I managed to find a silver lining: sweater season!

Remember November

We wrap up October with Halloween, And enter a month that goes unseen.   Christmas likes to quickly follow, A fact that I find hard […]

Cornbread crisis

When I went home for fall break a few weeks ago, I made a special request to my Yiayia (Greek for “grandmother”).  “I’m looking forward […]

‘Comedy transcends the feud’: Yale and Harvard comedy groups to host a comedic feast

Yale and Harvard comedy groups will join forces the weekend of The Game to put on the Leftover Turkey Sandwich Show.

The In Between

On the evening of Halloween, during usual trick-or-treat hours, my dad — an empty nester — sent a text to my brother and me. The […]

WOMEN’S SOCCER: Bulldogs break even with Penn and fall short against Brown

The Yale women’s soccer team tied Penn 1–1 in their second conference game of the season but fell to Brown in midweek game.

Virtually impossible

Let’s be candid. I didn’t actually go a day without technology. That would have been virtually impossible (pun intended).  From our best friend Gcal, to […]

Jessai Flores