New Haven Public Schools using AI tool to develop five-year plan

Superintendent Madeline Negrón and district leadership presented their progress in developing the strategic operating plan to the Board of Alders on Wednesday. They are surveying community members with the AI program Thought Exchange.

KHYM: Amplifying the Voices of Myanmar Protestors

On Feb. 1, Professor Dr. David Moe screened “Myanmar Diaries” in his Religion, Politics, and Identity in Asia class to commemorate the third-year anniversary of […]

Over 3,000 race in IRIS ‘Run for Refugees and All Immigrants’

Before this year’s Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services 5K race on Sunday morning, organizers had to take down flyers with anti-immigrant hate speech that had been put around the course. At the start of the run, pro-Palestine protesters cut off Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s opening speech.

Cook 2Go opens

Cook 2Go brings diverse flavors to New Haven.