Samantha Liu
Staff Reporter
Samantha Liu covers Community Health & Policy for the SciTech desk and serves as co-chair for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. As a Global Health Scholar, she studies English and Molecular Biology.
Author Archive
YUAG exhibition aims to encourage new worldviews on old artifacts

Showcasing scientific objects from post-Renaissance Europe, the latest YUAG exhibition interrogates the colonial histories behind the artifacts’ decorative facades.

Three years in: The state of the COVID-19 pandemic in New Haven

After a lull in COVID-19 numbers, New Haven has witnessed a January upsurge in positive cases — including in its own mayor.

“Gambling with patients’ lives”: Inside a staffing shortage at Lawrence + Memorial Hospital

Patient safety, livable wages and affordable health insurance were key priorities raised by Local 5123, which represents healthcare workers at Lawrence + Memorial Hospital.

Breastmilk tracking app shows promising results at YNHH Bridgeport campus

Eliza Myers’s app idea earned her the Innovator Award from the YNHHS Center for Health Care Innovation. Now, the app is ensuring increased human milk access for newborn babies — and, for parents, newfound agency in the breastfeeding process.

Yale professor receives $1.5 million for high-risk virology research

Allison Didychuk’s work studying the packaging mechanisms of herpesviruses earned her the DP2 New Innovator’s Award from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Litowitz Lecturer Mariko Hirose speaks on international displacement crisis

In a talk sponsored by the EP&E program, litigator Mariko Hirose shared the legal frameworks and limitations of resettling displaced individuals, as well as the need for the U.S. and Yale community to do more.