Jessica Kasamoto
Staff Reporter
Jessica Kasamoto covers the Yale School of Public Health for the SciTech desk. She is a graduate student in computational biology and bioinformatics.
Author Archive
Yale researchers predict increase of over 2,000 cases of HIV in the U.S. post-Braidwood Management v. Becerra

Yale researchers estimate the public health effects of the Braidwood Management v. Becerra ruling, which ruled that federally mandated insurance coverage of HIV prevention medication violated religious rights.

YSPH Center promotes implementation of academic research to improve public health outcomes

YSPH’s Center for Methods in Implementation and Prevention Science promotes applying research findings to improve public health interventions worldwide. 

Yale experts weigh in on avian flu transmission concerns

Public health experts at Yale explained the scope of the current Avian flu outbreak in the US and beyond.

YSPH student and alumni start nonprofit to improve mortality surveillance

Nonprofit organization MakeDeathsCount works to improve data collection around deaths in lower and middle-income countries.

PROFILE: Megan Ranney, the next dean of YSPH

Following her appointment as dean of the Yale School of Public Health, Ranney discussed her background in public health and her goals for the YSPH community.

Yale researchers identify biomarker key to finding new viral infections

A team of Yale researchers found that the presence of a key biomarker in patients testing negative for all other viral infections can help identify patients that may be infected by a new virus.

Yale Institute for Global Health awards Spark grant to four faculty members

Four Yale Institute of Global Health associated faculty members each receive an award of up to $10,000 for projects contributing to global health research.

Yale study finds significant protection in annual COVID-19 booster

A study coming out of the Yale School of Public Health finds that annual or bi-annual COVID-19 booster shots will likely have a significant impact in reducing endemic COVID-19 infections.

Olympian Laura Zeng ’25 to appear in multidisciplinary performance art piece

Developed by Chiara Hardy ’24 and 2-time Olympic rhythmic gymnast Laura Zeng ’25, the performance combines movement, prosthesis, sound and light.

New Yale study finds promising results with nasal COVID-19 vaccine

A team of Yale researchers recently published their findings that a nasal booster vaccine for COVID-19 may be a key way to help prevent the infection and transmission of COVID-19.

Jonathan Larson’s Rent takes Dramat mainstage

The musical, which premieres tonight at the Yale University Theater, tells the story of the struggling artist in New York City during the 90s.