Pi Phi chapter votes in favor of disaffiliation from nationals

Members of Pi Beta Phi voted to disaffiliate from the sorority’s national umbrella organization, citing financial strain and cultural and political motives as their main reasons for severing ties. The vote was unofficial, as a representative from the national organization needs to be present for the vote for them to disaffiliate following the vote.

After ‘significant accounting discrepancies,’ YCC’s budget unexpectedly falls by over $100,000

The Yale College Council originally anticipated its 2023-24 budget to be $1,000,100; it is now $898,431.

Undergraduate medieval studies journal Vexillum returns to Yale

The revamped journal will provide opportunities for undergraduates to engage with Medieval Studies.

Lā Kūʻokoʻa: Native Hawaiian Students organize week of events celebrating Hawaiian culture and independence

Members of the recently founded Indigenous Peoples of Oceania organization held Lā Kūʻokoʻa — Hawai'ian Independence Day — celebrations throughout the week.

Over 70 QuestBridge Scholars to join Yale’s class of 2028

The Yale class of 2028 will welcome 72 students who matched through the QuestBridge National College Match Scholarship. The QuestBridge program saw a record-high number of matches across universities this year, with 2,242 students matching with 50 QuestBridge partners.

Yale students, faculty attend UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai

As the world’s largest annual climate gathering enters its second week, several Yalies spoke with the News about discussions so far and what they expect from the conference.

Group from Monsey Jewish community visits students at Yale

After a student posted a series of antisemitic threats at Cornell, a group of people from the Monsey Jewish community in New York have been traveling to college campuses.

Students rally for Yale’s divestment from weapons manufacturers

On Dec. 1, protestors congregated outside Yale’s Schwarzman Center to demand that Yale withdraw its investments in holdings related to weapon manufacturing — emphasizing those supplying arms to Israel amid the war in Israel and Gaza.

University administrator allows student to take down banner naming killed Palestinians, admits ‘administrative errors’ 

After receiving permission from Pilar Montalvo, assistant vice president for university life, a student took down a banner that listed the names of thousands of Palestinians killed in Gaza during the Israel-Hamas war. Montalvo told the News there were “administrative errors” made in allowing the poster to go up and in authorizing the student to take it down.

Students, faculty celebrate founding of Indigenous Peoples of Oceania cultural group

The student group Indigenous Peoples of Oceania is providing community to students at Yale.

Students call for Yale Corp to divest from weapons manufacturers in front of Woodbridge Hall

During the morning of Friday, Dec. 1, students unfurled a 60-foot banner outside Woodbridge Hall ahead of the Yale Corporation’s scheduled visit to campus this weekend.