Pradz Sapre
Staff Columnist
Pradz Sapre is a senior in Benjamin Franklin College majoring in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry and the Humanities. His fortnightly column “Growing pains” encapsulates the difficulties of a metaphorical “growing up” within the course of a lifetime at Yale. He can be reached at
Author Archive
SAPRE: The perfect essay

Blurred lines, mixed colors, shades of grey: all our favourite metaphors for describing life’s fluctuations rest on our understanding that imperfection is an immutable axiom […]

SAPRE: Cows and camels

The stewardess emerged from the marble walkway of the Taj Mahal onto the winding streets of Agra. The roads were teeming with people scurrying around […]

SAPRE: First-year pride

Nov. 21, 2020 was a move-out day unlike any other in Yale’s recent history.  An emotional sledgehammer struck every first year at some moment in […]

SAPRE: Ode to Joy

“When I was four years old, I was obsessed with trains.” It was with these words, gingerly plucked from an infinite reservoir of English locutions, […]

Missed Connections

A Mindless Mesh To the guy from Sig Ep: Hi. How are you? I hope you’re doing well. We should talk about First-Year Formal. I […]

Music In Schools Initiative expands horizons

Soaring string quartet melodies, manuscripts scribbled with music notes and classrooms full of chattering students are common in New Haven public schools that participate in […]

SAPRE: In pursuit of the perfect goodbye

I remember the week my sister left for college in flashes of memory. A red shopping cart pushed along a Target aisle, the patter of […]