Maddy Corson
Staff Reporter
Maddy Corson formerly covered accessibility at Yale. Originally from Maine, she is a sophomore in Jonathan Edwards College pursuing a double major in global affairs and studio art.
Author Archive
Students advocate for official disability studies program

Across the University, students and staff are pushing for the creation of an official department and research center dedicated to the discipline of disability studies.

Faculty envision future of disability studies at Yale

Yale faculty reflected on the present state and future of disability studies at Yale.

CORSON: Getting what you deserve

On the evening of Dec. 15, 2021, I awaited the debut of a three-word URL that would secure or sabotage my future: Check status update. […]

A guide to menstrual and contraception product availability at Yale College

Yale College Council, Women’s Center and Communication & Consent Educators work to continue strides in accessibility of menstrual and sexual health products on campus.

Yale experts weigh in on rising costs and consumer spending

Despite damage control efforts by the government, rising costs still pose a detriment to consumer purchase power, Yale professors shared.