Ethan Wolin
Staff Reporter
Ethan Wolin covers City Hall and local politics. He is a first year in Silliman College from Washington, D.C.
Author Archive
Incumbent slate sweeps Democratic co-chair elections

New Haven Democrats in eight wards delivered lopsided wins to party-backed Democratic co-chair candidates, defeating a rare challenger slate

What to know as New Haven Democrats pick ward co-chairs

Voters in eight wards are electing Democratic Town Committee co-chairs in an election pitting union-backed party organizers against challengers.

Fired by Elicker, Jason Bartlett now leads co-chair challenge

Jason Bartlett, a former city official who faced scrutiny during the 2019 mayoral campaign, helms a slate of candidates seeking Democratic ward co-chair roles in elections on Tuesday.

Dueling events promote Democratic ward co-chair slates

Campaigning for the March 5 Democratic Town Committee elections heated up on Saturday, prompted by the first coordinated attempt in over a decade to reshape the local party leadership.

PROFILE: Ellen Cupo’s fight for New Haveners, from Yale to City Hall

Ellen Cupo serves on the Board of Alders, works at Yale, organizes for her union and is raising two young children. It all amounts to a campaign for the future of her hometown.

Disruptive City Hall protest splits advocates of ceasefire resolution

Some activists pushing the Board of Alders for a Gaza ceasefire resolution disapprove of the disruption of the mayor’s State of the City speech.

Intercity rivalries highlight mayor’s priorities for New Haven

In his State of the City address, Mayor Justin Elicker said that New Haven would catch up to Bridgeport and Hartford in population and affordable housing. The News asked those cities’ mayors what they have to say.

State of the City address disrupted by pro-Palestine protests

Protesters from several groups promoting a ceasefire resolution halted the mayor’s annual address for 25 minutes.

Inside the coalition pressing local officials for a Gaza ceasefire resolution

A two-month effort to lobby the Board of Alders for a ceasefire resolution, uniting New Haven groups and Yale students, has met opposition from some Jewish residents. Top alders told the News that they are hesitant to take an official position on the divisive proposal.

New group to challenge union-backed Democratic ward co-chairs

Over a dozen candidates are gathering signatures in an attempt to reduce the power of Yale unions over the Democratic Town Committee.

Amid protests, top alder vows to move Gaza ceasefire resolution to committee

The Board of Alders president told the News that she plans to send the resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war to committee for deliberation, as protesters disrupted Tuesday’s meeting.