The theory of Anna 2.0

I think about the alternate ways my life could've ended up all the time. It's a lot to think about — every decision, big or small, has changed my life in some way. Who even knows what could have happened if I had made different choices.

Anyway, Love

I’m not known as someone who tries — and let alone succeeds — to be mysterious or nonchalant. I think that if I tried to […]

Zahra Virani

My family has no shortage of zany traditions for just about every holiday. Our oddness piques around the Thanksgiving table. Usually, we spend thanksgiving in […]

Boombox Couture’s Wireless Express Mini Boombox with LED Speakers

This past summer, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I might need to bring for my first year of college. I watched YouTube videos, read articles and made multiple packing lists. I couldn’t really fathom how I was ever going to be able to pack everything I needed to bring into the trunk of the car. Ultimately, I did alright, but of course wound up forgetting some important items, including my Crocs. 

More Pressure than a Submarine: the Making of Our Hero

A bead of sweat rolls down your forehead, cold against your hot skin. Your breathing is labored, your heart pounds: you think for a second that it might pound out of your chest. You don't care enough to rest. Rest is for the weak.

New club opens the door for Yalies to learn about the real estate industry

The Yale Real Estate Group, which was founded in January, is planning to send teams to real estate conferences, bring speakers to campus and engage with companies in the industry

The WKND presents: the sorting ceremony

Picture this: you’re strolling along Cross Campus, enjoying the crisp autumn air. You’ve just eaten an extra tahini chocolate chunk cookie at Commons, and now you’ve got a few hours until your next class. It’s a beautiful day to be outside, and you’ve already finished your work for the next day. Suddenly, you hear a prospective student on an oversized tour group led by an overqualified guide utter this fateful sentence — “It’s like being at Hogwarts!” 

dreaming of flying
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody — and Nico from New York City, Maia from Miami and Bree from “a small town outside of Boston”

You’re settling in with your suite — whether self-selected or randomly assigned, you might be feeling some awkwardness as you get used to living with […]

Food truck brings new flavors to Grove Street

Andrick's on Wheels is joining the fleet of food trucks on Grove Street.

Nearing one year under new owners, Wheelhouse Cycling pedals on

Wheelhouse Cycling Studio approaches its one-year anniversary under their current owners, a mother-daughter duo working to build a strong community of riders.